Mortgage Loan Payments

The estimated monthly payment for this home is calculated on 90% of the base sales price of home, not including your land cost, (as described here in our “build on your land” program), which means you will need to put down 10% of the sales price. The estimated payment is amortized over a 30 year mortgage, at 3.89% interest.

The estimated monthly payment does not include your land cost, but includes homeowners insurance, and an average property taxes for the house, (does not include the land in tax amount). The total monthly payment may also be lower or higher depending on your credit score, as well as the size of your down payment, and if it located in a city verses out of the city limits, in a county tax rate.

We highly recommend setting an appointment with one of our mortgage specialists to see if you qualify for a new home mortgage.

Send us an email if you would be interested in meeting with one of our lenders. Just click here.

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